Half of Parents Have No Idea When Teens Consider Suicide
The biggest study of its kind reveals how often parents miss the signs of suicide. Click on the story to read more.
Half of Parents Have No Idea When Teens Consider Suicide
Facebook Suicide Prevention Tools Lack Data
Topeka ASIST Workshop March 28-29
Pregnant Spouses of Deployed Service Members Have a Higher Risk of Depression
Social Media Use Linked to Depression
Giving Tuesday Can Support Suicide Prevention
Jobs with the Highest Suicide Rates
Kevin Hines Wants to End Suicide in Topeka
Topeka ASIST Workshop November 27-28
1 in 5 College Students Consider Suicide
President Trump Signs New Bill to Simplify Suicide Prevention Hotline to 3-Digit Number
House Passes Rep. Stewart's Bill to Create a 3 Digit National Suicide Prevention Hotline
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens